Q2 2022 Updates

April, May, and June have been tremendously successful for Giving Gadgets. We already donated over 600 laptops so far and are in process of preparing more to be shipped. With much appreciation, we accepted a donation of over 1500 Chromebooks from Huntley Community School District 158. Giving Gadgets thanks Superintendent Dr. Rowe and Technology Coordinator Angela Kossaris for their help.

We had our first two international donations, one to a few schools in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, and one to schools around Ahmedabad, India. We hope that the schools that received our Chromebooks can help their students utilize them in the upcoming school year. Tammy Kjos has been helping us donate to the nonprofit she represents in San Miguel de Allende: Centro Infantil de Los Angeles.

We have continued optimizing our ads that are paid for by the Google Ads Grant we received. This grant has helped us expand our outreach online. We see plenty of potential in the amount of donations this grant can generate over time.

As we advance over the midpoint of the year, our goals are now to donate the remainder of laptops we have. We are planning to donate some to some existing technology profits instead of donating directly to schools around the world because shipping costs have been a burden. We thank all of our donors for the immense impact we have been able to make so far.

Jaiden, Evan, Matthew, Sam


Q1 2022 Updates