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Shipments will arrive around 3 weeks after ordering them.

Giving Gadgets Incorporated is a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. You will receive an email with a receipt detailing the tax deductible amount from your order.


Grey Globe Sweatshirt
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Light Blue Globe Sweatshirt
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Navy Globe Sweatshirt
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Light Grey Sweatshirt
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Light Blue Sweatshirt
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Navy Sweatshirt
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Grey Globe T-Shirt
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Indigo Globe T-Shirt
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Light Blue Globe T-Shirt
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Navy Globe Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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Light Blue Globe Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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White Globe Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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Light Blue Globe T-Shirt
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Indigo T-Shirt
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Light Grey T-Shirt
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Carolina Blue T-Shirt
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White T-Shirt
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White Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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Indigo Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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Light Blue Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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Navy Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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