Q1 2022 Updates

Giving Gadgets began operations this quarter. The quarter was filled with pivotal events. We obtained 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, received our first laptop donation, and donated laptops to two schools in need. We also constructed a formal organizational structure in our bylaws, which includes a membership program.

We are excited to announce our membership program that provides an opportunity for anyone to have direct influence in the organization. We welcome anyone who would like to join our community. Members are the foundation of Giving Gadgets and vote for directors at our annual meeting. Members are also invited to attend and engage in our quarterly board meetings. You will have influence to steer the organization in the right direction. Members are the first to have access to all Giving Gadgets events, such as golf tournaments, auctions, and dinners. Member fees help cover important operating expenses like shipping and marketing to ensure Giving Gadgets can continue its mission. Please email us if you’re interested in becoming a member.

Giving Gadgets was accepted into the Google Ad Grant, giving us $10,000 a month in online ad spend. We are learning how to effectively run ad campaigns to make the most out of this generous grant.

We have released t-shirts to help support the cause in our online store. Feel free to email us with any other suggestions for merchandise.

We are very happy with the fast pace Giving Gadgets has taken, as we were able to send our first donation only a few months after incorporating. We are in need of donations because shipping has been expensive. This upcoming month should be even more successful with the membership program starting and we are going to apply for more grants. We are thankful for all your support we have received so far and hope it continues as we head into a few dynamic months.


Jaiden, Matthew, Evan, and Sam


Q2 2022 Updates